As a new school year is approaching, I am thinking about my great-niece starting first grade. I know she will
be working with money, and has never learned about coins. I've suggested that within the next couple of weeks, that her mom and dad help her learn to recognize and know names of coins to give her a head start.
Learning the value is hard, too. They should work with this some also.
Time is an issue with them, as they both work full-time and odd hours. My three month old great-nephew is also in the mix and requires his amount of attention. I know it's hard.
Just take a few minutes and talk about coins. When you find one laying around, ask what it is. Keep an eye out for any event that can lead to a little learning, even as simple as cutting an apple for your child's snack and counting the pieces with him.
Life is full of teachable moments with your children, and the best are not planned or very structured. Keep an eye out for the many that occur each day.