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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Recognizing coins

As a new school year is approaching, I am thinking about my great-niece starting first grade. I know she will
be working with money, and has never learned about coins. I've suggested that within the next couple of weeks, that her mom and dad help her learn to recognize and know names of coins to give her a head start.
Learning the value is hard, too. They should work with this some also.
Time is an issue with them, as they both work full-time and odd hours. My three month old great-nephew is also in the mix and requires his amount of attention. I know it's hard.
Just take a few minutes and talk about coins. When you find one laying around, ask what it is. Keep an eye out for any event that can lead to a little learning, even as simple as cutting an apple for your child's snack and counting the pieces with him.
Life is full of teachable moments with your children, and the best are not planned or very structured. Keep an eye out for the many that occur each day.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Frugal math basket suggestions

Parents, there is no need to go and buy expensive items to help your children in math. Some pre-made games are good, but imagination and inexpensive items may lead you into teachable moments that expand the quest for knowledge in a specific math skill

Ziplock baggies are a must. Lots of small items can become a burden. Place each set of items in a baggie for neat keeping.

Basket or tub-having all of the items you use with your children can be placed in the basket or tub for easy, out of the way storage.

Assorted buttons will give you many ideas for math skills...sorting, patterns, adding, subtracting, making arrays which will help in multiplying, counting skills.

Dice, you may want to call them number cubes, are a must. I have talked about the uses of dice several times in my math blog.

Felt mats provide a surface that gives more control over the items being used. If dice are being rolled or poured out of a cup, it absorbs sound and keeps them from rolling off the table or desk.

Popsicle sticks are always fun. Beans or buttons can be glued to the sticks for basic counting skills. Also, if prepared specifically for place value, they would be great for building numbers. Ah, another blog with pictures...I just used a teachable moment for myself. Like I've said, the possibilities are endless, and I surely don't know all of them. I keep adding to my list as I write and ideas appear.

Sticky-notes for place value and dozens of other skills.

Small smiley-face stickers can be used for making arrays. An array shows x number of rows containing x number of columns or items in each row. Good for multiplying.
******* Two rows of seven equal 14. Place on small index card, turn card, and use 7 rows of 2 equal 14. Hmm, sounds like another post.

Index cards are a must whether creating arrays, counting, or writing correct math terms for children to recognize. Please remember to use the proper terminology for the math words.

I know I will think of 1001 more things, but these give a strong base to provide working with a wide range of skills in math. Remember, enjoy and have fun learning with your children.